Sue Stone Foundation Coaches

Rob Baker

PORTSMOUTH, HAMPSHIRE – SPECIALIST AREA The Career and General Performance Coach

Rob first became interested in performance psychology from a young age due to his interest in a wide range of different sports. At any early age at school he found that the principles that enabled him to perform well at sport were also transferable to the academic environment as well. After studying Business he then went on to study a degree in Psychology and a Msc in Occupational Psychology whilst still holding down a full-time job. After being successful in Sales and working in recruitment for a number of years in January 2006 Rob set up his own Executive recruitment firm where has regularly helped his clients with career and personal coaching. His coaching business covers most fields other than just careers into all areas of life whether in business; career or more personal areas.

Rob is a strong advocate that anything can be learned, improved upon, changed if the right causes and conditions are put into the ‘change process’. This can be for the achievement of materials goods or on the other side of the spectrum realising a more spiritual path. In 2008 Rob entered into the world of meditation and is a strong advocate of using meditation not just for relaxation purposes but also as a mind training  tool for increasing performance in all areas of life including general well-being. As a Father; a successful business owner; high achiever in a variety of sports and also a strong interest in meditation and Buddhism he can offer something  for people from all walks of life looking to make a change for the better.

Rob’s training in coaching began when he was in a Australia in 2007 and more recently was reinforced by the training with the Sue Stone Foundation.

Telephone: 07749 375618




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