Sue Stone Foundation Coaches

Jemma Maynard


Jemma is a “Positive Energy Coach”.

Empowering you to achieve your goals, grow in self confidence, let go of past situations that are holding you back and live a happy fulfilling life.

Jemma is a mum of two beautiful children, one boy and one girl.

She has been through many challenges having been in an abusive toxic relationship that took all her confidence and self worth. Going through a painful divorce she suffered with anxiety, severe depression and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Becoming a Sue Stone accredited coach gave her the tools she needed to turn her life around.

She is now dedicated to helping others live the life they deserve using all her knowledge and life experiences.
Jemma is also a motivational speaker focusing on Positive Energy and changing our mindset and is an amazing example of what you can achieve.

“Let go and start living”


Telephone: 07811174154

Sue Courtney


Sue began her working life as a teacher – not entirely from choice.

“It was the pinnacle of achievement as far as my mother was concerned and as I really didn’t have the confidence to pursue my dream of becoming cabin crew for British Airways, I decided to take the easy option,” Sue admits. “My heart was never really 100% in it, but I have been very fortunate and carved out a good career from it.”

However, in 2006, when attending an ICT teaching conference where a speaker was talking about having a passion for the subject, Sue realised that she most definitely didn’t have a passion for ICT and should have a conversation about changing to a different subject. Then she realised that she didn’t have a passion for any part of the job! Oh dear!

Sue began to read books about changing your life, which included life – coaching books. In 2007, the opportunity to train with the Coaching Academy presented itself; Sue grasped it and in September 2008, qualified with distinction as a Personal Performance Coach. However, Sue has a belief that changing the inner person isn’t always enough – the outside has to change too. So, in 2009, Sue trained as a stylist with Nicky Hambleton-Jones’ company The Style Academy.

Whilst completing all this training Sue was also being coached by one of Jack Canfield’s coaches. It was during one of these sessions that she realised that the feelings she was experiencing about teaching were ‘burnout’. It was then she knew that she needed to leave the profession.

Sue left the safety of teaching and founded her business “Success and Image” combining her coaching and styling skills to help people achieve success in their careers. However, although achieving some notable successes, the income didn’t match the outgoings of a single mother with a mortgage and bills to pay. Reading Sue Stone’s book “Love life, Live Life” helped Sue through the trauma of having to sell her home but, as so often happens, as soon as things settled down, she stopped applying the wisdom and returned to teaching.

In 2016, Sue decided to priorities her health and happiness and leave full-time teaching for good. She was accepted to be trained as a Sue Stone Foundation Accredited Coach, which has provided the missing part of the puzzle and has made a massive difference to her life and business.

Sue now uses these new skills alongside her coaching and styling to help people design the life and career they want and deserve and develop an authentic signature look that enhances their body shape, colouring and lifestyle. She doesn’t want anyone else to spend as long as she did in a job or career that they don’t enjoy. She believes in the power of the Law of Attraction and is interested in quantum physics as it relates to personal development. She has been a Reiki practitioner for many years.

“I am loving my life and I get such a buzz from assisting others to turn their life around and achieve happiness. I am passionate about helping people create a life they love”

Sue has written:

“The Ultimate Guide to Personal Rebranding for Professional Females Climbing the Corporate Ladder”


“The Wheel of Life – How to Get the Life You Really Want” (book & audio cd set – available directly from Sue)

She has also written fortnightly coaching and styling articles for the “Surrey Times” and the “Sol Times” in Spain for more than 2 years. She has contributed articles to the “Solent Life” magazine and styled a photo shoot for the “Life in Petersfield” magazine.

Author of “Success With Style: How to Create a Signature Look That Says You Mean Business”.

Sue works with clients on a 1 – 1 basis and also in groups. She delivers her own workshops and seminars and gives informative and inspirational talks for groups and companies.

For more information on how Sue can help you design your life and career please contact her

Telephone: 01329 550710 07889751975



Maxine Thompson GQHP

CHRISTCHURCH – SPECIALIST AREA The Hypnotherapist and Mindset Coach

Maxine can help you discover your Sunshine within…

You have everything already within you to be the joyful YOU, the confident YOU, and the brightest YOU. Fire yourself up with your inner sunshine and pursue your wildest dreams.

YOU can do it….

Maxine qualified as a personal development coach in 2003 and more recently in 2015 became an accredited coach with the Sue Stone Foundation.

During the next two and half years of travelling across the globe, Maxine mastered the art of Massage and Reiki. Further studies in 2018 led to her qualifying as a practitioner in EFT (Tapping) & Ho’oponopono. Then more recently in 2019/2020 she qualified as an accredited Hypnotherapist.

Now… using all of her skills and experience, Maxine will help you move forward with your life, in a way that works best for YOU.

Let Maxine guide and encourage you in your new exciting approach to happiness – discover your zest for life and your Sunshine within. It will be her absolute pleasure.


Please click on ‘Forward’ below to find more SSF coaches

Lee Cuddis


Leading up to this life changing day, Lee would wake up each morning with a feeling of anxiety in his stomach, a tape of negative thoughts would then start to play out in his mind. Due the unconscious thoughts that would run through his mind daily Lee’s world and life was crumbling before his very eyes and in fact at that time it seemed like he was losing everything, along with the stresses of running a business, Lee and his wife suffered a miscarriage and subsequently his marriage broke down, something had to give.

A few weeks before this pivotal day Lee had been given a book, this book was called ‘Love Life Live Life’ by Sue Stone and from that point something truly life changing started to happen to Lee, the book resonated with him as the author had gone through very similar circumstances and turned her life around, creating great abundance for herself, the seeds were sown in Lee.

On that day in 2010 Lee ‘woke up’ and realised he had to make the changes needed to create the life he actually wanted, and so he walked away from the business and started to make a plan to create the new life he desired.

Through study, practice and his training with Sue Stone, Lee devised his own simple and effective way of Business and Personal one to one coaching. He runs sessions either in the work place or at his home, where he runs residential workshops and seminars. Lee made the changes needed to create the life he desired and now lives in a beautiful home set in the Sussex countryside with his new wife and children. For information and an informal chat with Lee on how he can help you or your business please visit.

Telephone: 07545460522



Gill James

Chelmsford, Essex – SPECIALIST AREA The Empowerment and Relationship Coach

Gill is a positive living, relationship & empowerment coach. She is in a long-term relationship and has 2 grown up stepchildren plus a not so grown up dog.    

Gill has overcome many life challenges, including childhood bullying. She lost her Dad to cancer whilst still in her early 20s.  She experienced an abusive marriage, further abusive relationships and the heartbreak of childlessness, all of which resulted in a complete lack of confidence and self- belief and a descent into depression and anxiety.

Gill completely turned her life around by empowering herself, consciously changing her thoughts and learning to love and appreciate herself – and her life. She’s now a totally different person and everyone in her life has been amazed by the transformation.

Gill is extremely passionate in helping people to achieve the happy life they truly deserve and specializes in empowerment and relationship coaching for individuals who have experienced abusive relationships to support them in stepping into their own power and realizing their self-worth. She also offers Reiki now in a one to one person environment- not distance reiki.

Gill can understand only too well what you’ve been through and can support you via 1:1 sessions (in person or by phone/Skype).

You can find out more details of how Gill can help you by visiting her Facebook page or her website and leaving a message.

Michelle Smirthwaite


Michelle grew up with her first memories seeing the negative effects of alcohol and poverty. This also led to Michelle being badly bullied at school and often spent alot of time alone. She quicky learnt to fully depend on herself.

At the age of 15, Michelle entered a relationship and at 16 had her first child. Sadly, this relationship was abusive and Michelle spent many years trying to ‘cope’ with this. Despite this, she was very sucessful and managed to have a good lifestyle, a lovely home, nice cars, money, good jobs. To anyone looking in they would have said ‘She had it all ! ‘ Yet, Michelle went to bed most nights to cry as she felt depressed and sad inside. She developed a unhealthy relationship with food and spent many years battleing with various eating disorders.  

In 2006 Michelle had a son. This little boy changed her outlook on life and she plucked up the courage to finallly break free from the relationship she was in. She left her house, job, all material possessions exept for the clothes she had on, a few things for her son and her car and fled to a women’s refuge. Whilst in this refuge, Michelle would describe ‘she hit rock bottom.’ All the odds were stacked against her. She nearly had a breakdown but somehow got through it all. She remembers constantly saying to herself that she would get through this no matter what and set about planning her new life.

Michelle did rebuild her life and took a job she was highly over qualified for just to provide for her family as a single mum. Whilst looking for something to help her better her life again, she came across a advert about one of Sue’s empowerment workshops. She remembers the long drive, but was so determined to meet Sue, nothing was going to stop her that day !! Within 3 weeks of doing this, Michelle found a better job , a job working with young people, a client group that she loves working with. She also set about addressing her eating problems which Michelle is really proud to say she has achieved this. She never thought she would be able to eat ‘normally’ ever again.

In 2011, Michelle had a daughter and whilst on maternity leave, used the free time she had to do further study into the way of positive living and re connect with Sue again. This time Michelle fully learnt the way to ‘live’ the positive life and the changes to her life have been astounding in just a short period of time.   She knew the next step was to join Sue in her work and teach others what she has learnt in a ‘down to earth way ‘as Michelle likes to describe it !!  

Michelle is particularly passionate about reaching as many people as she can. 

Telephone: 07905163318


Kim Wymer


As a child, teen and adult, Kim was always very shy, quiet and unconfident in most situations, she came out of herself slightly when she had her children, but she still let most people walk all over her, and did not know what she wanted out of life.

Eventually her marriage broke down, and she had a very traumatic divorce, her sister who was her best friend emigrated to Australia, and to top that her parents retired and moved to Spain.

Kim was in total despair and felt so lonely that her world had broken down so she began to drink and became an alcoholic; she had a mortgage, lots of bills and a low paid part time job, with hardly any money at all. Kim felt that she had hit the lowest part of her life ever. Five years prior to that Kim had achieved a city and guilds in specialist paint effects but did nothing with it other than practice these skills at home.Her sister sent her the DVD ‘The Secret’ and she also read Sue Stone’s book ‘Love Life Live Life’, and they totally transformed her way of thinking and behaving, Kim changed from a negative person to a confident positive person in no time at all, she knew she had to pick herself up and try her best in life.

Sue’s book gave her fabulous direction, and she took positive steps to find out more, and now she is so proud to be a Sue Stone foundation accredited coach and also runs a successful furniture painting business, which is expanding.

Kim now has lots of confidence, and is not afraid to take any opportunities that arise in life. She has achieved so many of her goals and they are getting bigger all of the time, being such a happy positive person she has faith in believing that she can help so many people. Her vocation in life is to spread love, positivity and total joy to the world and help others achieve their goals and dreams which is a passion of Kim’s.

Kim is happy for clients to come to her home or she will travel to them in the Essex area.



Rob Baker

PORTSMOUTH, HAMPSHIRE – SPECIALIST AREA The Career and General Performance Coach

Rob first became interested in performance psychology from a young age due to his interest in a wide range of different sports. At any early age at school he found that the principles that enabled him to perform well at sport were also transferable to the academic environment as well. After studying Business he then went on to study a degree in Psychology and a Msc in Occupational Psychology whilst still holding down a full-time job. After being successful in Sales and working in recruitment for a number of years in January 2006 Rob set up his own Executive recruitment firm where has regularly helped his clients with career and personal coaching. His coaching business covers most fields other than just careers into all areas of life whether in business; career or more personal areas.

Rob is a strong advocate that anything can be learned, improved upon, changed if the right causes and conditions are put into the ‘change process’. This can be for the achievement of materials goods or on the other side of the spectrum realising a more spiritual path. In 2008 Rob entered into the world of meditation and is a strong advocate of using meditation not just for relaxation purposes but also as a mind training  tool for increasing performance in all areas of life including general well-being. As a Father; a successful business owner; high achiever in a variety of sports and also a strong interest in meditation and Buddhism he can offer something  for people from all walks of life looking to make a change for the better.

Rob’s training in coaching began when he was in a Australia in 2007 and more recently was reinforced by the training with the Sue Stone Foundation.

Telephone: 07749 375618



Harry Tinoco Giraldo


Harry has a background in International Marketing and has his first degree in this subject from Manizales University. His Masters Degree is in the Direction and Management of People from the University of Barcelona. He is licensed to administer the Four Elements of Success/Path Elements Profile (PEP) and is also a qualified Feng Shui Consultant with Stonebridge College. Harry is a qualified professional Consciousness Coach having trained on the ICF Approved Training Programme with Marc Steinberg in South Africa. And also Harry has been certified to deliver the DISC psychometric assessment by The Coaching Academy and People Keys,Inc; frequently used in organisations as a developmental tool. More recently he has successfully achieved his accreditation as a Sue Stone life coach.

Using his knowledge and experience as a coach, Harry is passionate in helping individuals understand the steps necessary to navigate through the many transitions life brings.

Harry focuses his coaching interests on helping individuals develop their life mission using the Path Elements Profile (PEP), improving the home and office environment using Fung Shui and the natural elements around us, coaching in English as well as Spanish, and using all the empowered Sue Stone motivation techniques Harry can help to create with his clients a prosperous positive lifestyle.

He is actively involved with a local charity providing mentoring to vulnerable young adults and co-facilitating a support group

Outside of professional interests, he travels widely, reads, and enjoys cooking and collecting wine a lot.    2812165169

Mark Veary


Mark is an experienced coach, consultant and facilitator. Most of his experience has been developed in the UK Public Sector and specifically in the National Health Service where he worked for 23 years before moving into the energy sector. Mark has a BSc (Hons) in Health Studies and an MA in Organisational Behaviour & Change Management.

Mark is an Accredited Consciousness Coach® (ACC) and achieved both his Professional Coaching and Consciousness Coaching® Diplomas through the Creative Consciousness International (CCI) Coaching Academy in South Africa.

Mark is also a Licensed NLP Practitioner and was privileged enough to have received his training from the co-founder of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Richard Bandler.

More recently, Mark has been using the techniques that Sue teaches in her book “Love Life, Live Life”.  He finds that Sue has eloquently brought together in one place the key tools and techniques for living positively and he has a passion for sharing them with his coaching clients and others through SSF Empowerment Workshops. Tel: +1 832 703 2864




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