Sue Stone Foundation Coaches

Michelle Smirthwaite


Michelle grew up with her first memories seeing the negative effects of alcohol and poverty. This also led to Michelle being badly bullied at school and often spent alot of time alone. She quicky learnt to fully depend on herself.

At the age of 15, Michelle entered a relationship and at 16 had her first child. Sadly, this relationship was abusive and Michelle spent many years trying to ‘cope’ with this. Despite this, she was very sucessful and managed to have a good lifestyle, a lovely home, nice cars, money, good jobs. To anyone looking in they would have said ‘She had it all ! ‘ Yet, Michelle went to bed most nights to cry as she felt depressed and sad inside. She developed a unhealthy relationship with food and spent many years battleing with various eating disorders.  

In 2006 Michelle had a son. This little boy changed her outlook on life and she plucked up the courage to finallly break free from the relationship she was in. She left her house, job, all material possessions exept for the clothes she had on, a few things for her son and her car and fled to a women’s refuge. Whilst in this refuge, Michelle would describe ‘she hit rock bottom.’ All the odds were stacked against her. She nearly had a breakdown but somehow got through it all. She remembers constantly saying to herself that she would get through this no matter what and set about planning her new life.

Michelle did rebuild her life and took a job she was highly over qualified for just to provide for her family as a single mum. Whilst looking for something to help her better her life again, she came across a advert about one of Sue’s empowerment workshops. She remembers the long drive, but was so determined to meet Sue, nothing was going to stop her that day !! Within 3 weeks of doing this, Michelle found a better job , a job working with young people, a client group that she loves working with. She also set about addressing her eating problems which Michelle is really proud to say she has achieved this. She never thought she would be able to eat ‘normally’ ever again.

In 2011, Michelle had a daughter and whilst on maternity leave, used the free time she had to do further study into the way of positive living and re connect with Sue again. This time Michelle fully learnt the way to ‘live’ the positive life and the changes to her life have been astounding in just a short period of time.   She knew the next step was to join Sue in her work and teach others what she has learnt in a ‘down to earth way ‘as Michelle likes to describe it !!  

Michelle is particularly passionate about reaching as many people as she can. 

Telephone: 07905163318



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