If you would like to support the clean up of our rivers and oceans please donate whatever you are able.
110% of all donations will be sent direct to WASUP
Your donation + a 10% contribution from the Sue Stone Foundation
The Sue Stone Foundation is pleased to be sponsoring Jennifer Carless in the Miss England Competition 2020. Sue has a strong personal connection with her family and Jennifer’s message to young people completely resonates with Sue and the message of the Sue Stone Foundation.
Jennifer is a very enthusiastic 16 year old girl, with a passion for horses and would like to become an orthopaedic veterinary surgeon once she has completed college and got her grades.
She is also a Miss England Semi Finalist 2020 and she is using that platform to promote and raise awareness for her campaign ‘just the way you are’.
This campaign is all about showing it is okay to embrace your natural beauty and your uniqueness. Jennifer is hoping to show this throughout the Miss England contest and set an example to everyone that it’s okay to be yourself and ‘just the way you are’.
Jennifer is also a Yorkshire ambassador for World Against Single Use Plastic, she is going to help educate people of all ages about the dangers and the harm the plastic waste does if it is not dealt with properly and is going to teach them what they can do to be more eco-friendly and help save the environment for our future generation.
The Sue Stone Foundation is also collaborating with Professor Rashid Gatrad OBE, the founder of WASUP (World Against Single Use Plastic) to assist in their mission.
What a fabulous piece written in The Sunday Times on 20th November 2011 called ‘Always look on the bright side if you want to win’ by Professor of Psychology, Adrian Furnham.
The Sue Stone Foundation is all about spreading positivity, happiness and success to people from all walks of life.
He writes about the importance of happiness in the work place. I quote ‘Good vibrations; happier people get better jobs- and make more money’ and ‘People with sunny dispositions make better decisions; they are faster, more accurate and more inclusive. Unhappy people are “hung up” on small, irrelevant issues and alienate those who try to help them.’
To read this interesting article in full click here ->bright-side-of-winning20001
He believed in himself. Despite having the odds against him, he believed in himself.
He believed in his vision.
He believed that he could change the way we communicate.
He believed he could make a difference.
And he did.
This past week we said goodbye to Steve Jobs – the co-founder of Apple who
revolutionized the way we communicate, work and play.
But life was never easy for him and the only reason Jobs succeeded is because he
believed in himself.
He didn’t let the naysayers stop him.
He didn’t let the doubters hold him back.
He dropped out of school because he couldn’t afford the tuition.
He collected used drink cans and returned them to collect the deposit money.
He walked 7 miles just so he could get a hot meal from a shelter.
But all along he believed in himself and his vision.
He never gave up.
When he slept on a cold hard floor with only a blanket he didn’t give up.
Through all those years of struggle, Steve Jobs directed his mind, his subconscious
mind and his powers to follow his vision.
That vision and belief was planted on his subconscious mind, success was sure to
follow. And did it ever.
When he passed away on Wednesday, Steve Jobs was a billionaire, surrounded by his
family. He built one of the most valuable companies in the world and he made a big difference.
You too can make a difference.
You too can be wealthy and successful.
You may not think you can – but you can.
You just have to believe in yourself.
You just have to follow your vision.
You just have to believe that you can.
You have to dismiss the naysayers and the doubters who want to extinguish your burning desires.
Believe in yourself and believe in your ability.
Start believing in yourself today.
Create your vision and believe in your ability.
Deliberately plant empowering thoughts in your mind and create the beliefs that drive you to succeed and bring in joy and happiness.
Wealth breakthrough and manifesting money workshop http://www.suestone.com/events.php
We have just completed the first training sessions for the Sue Stone Foundation Happiness and Success Coaches. It was such a wonderful two days with all the coaches and we really couldn’t have asked for anything more. The connection we all made was fantastic, everyone has so much to offer and all so keen to help each other. This has been life changing for the coaches and life changing for so many people as we continue our focus on spreading positivity, happiness, success and love around the world.
We will be doing another training event in the near future and look forward to finding more great people to be part of the Sue Stone foundation. If you are interested please click here
Here is what some of our wonderful coaches have to say.
“I was thrilled to be successful in my application and have just spent two amazing days with Sue, Natalie and 8 other like minded people who want to share their love, knowledge and beliefs with as many people as possible. The training was powerful and life changing. Sue is a wonderful lady, so generous and giving. She is an inspiration to us all. I am so very grateful the Universe guided Sue and I to connect and thrilled to be a part of The Sue Stone Foundation. So a heartfelt thanks for a fabulous training and for introducing me to such a wonderful ‘family’ in whom I can trust and with whom I can share this wonderful opportunity” Helen Jane
“Working with Sue and Natalie changed my life, way before I even did the training. Sue’s recipe for success resonated with me from 24thMay 2011 when I saw her on the Secret Millionaire. Her natural warmth and compassion shone through and I was compelled to make contact. Since that day I have never looked back. It is such a great honour to be one of the SSF founder coaches and I happily deliver her training with joy. Like Sue I am committed to spreading love and joy across the world… The Sue Stone Foundation WILL help you achieve happiness and success way beyond your expectations!” Andrea Collard
“I would just like to tell everyone how honoured I feel to be part of the Sue Stone Foundation. I have followed Sue’s work in the past but had never had the pleasure of meeting never mind working alongside Sue. She is truly an inspiration to me and not only is she beautiful on the outside but on the inside too. This lady is so passionate about her work and everything she does radiates love. What more can I say the course was amazing and it’s like my new extended family. Not forgetting the truly wonderful Natalie who is like her mum, absolutely gorgeous and super efficient.” Louise Cowell
“The Sue Stone Foundation course has changed my life and will continue to change my life and the lives of others across the world for years and years to come. I already loved Sue from reading her book and listening to her CD but meeting her in person has blown me away. She lives and breaths her teachings and speaks completely from the heart. Her love and compassion for others oozes out of her and she is a true inspiration to me and I am sure every other human being who ever meets her and to top it all off she has a gorgeous ‘mini me’ version …her beautiful daughter Nats……. I am so grateful, proud and privileged to be part of the Sue Stone Foundation and the message of positivity and love we are going to spread across the globe and beyond.” Kelly Walsh
“I am proud and honoured to say that I have just completed the course to become a founder member and accredited coach of the Sue Stone Foundation. It was an amazing experience to meet Sue and to experience her infectious positivity first hand (yes she really is that happy!!) and to meet the other coaches who are all fantastic people. The course itself was really interesting and informative and provided me with the tools which will enable me to live my dream, help others and to spread positivity and happiness. Sue’s lovely daughter Natalie (aka PA extraordinaire!!) ensured that everything ran smoothly, was very helpful and always with a smile. I feel humbled. I know I am part of something really special.” Janette Fenton
“It’s amazing after not really knowing what I wanted to do that I have now found out what it is! Working with Sue to bring happiness and empowerment to people has really meant a lot to me. Thank you Sue for having faith in me and allowing me to be a founder member of the Sue Stone Foundation” Tim Rigby
“I am a firm believer in the ‘Law of Attraction’. And, when Sue Stone advertised that she was looking for potential Accredited Sue Stone Foundation Coaches, I instantly knew that I wanted to do the course to become one. I was so pleased that Sue Stone was ‘attracted’ to me and when she finally accepted my application to train with her; I felt absolutely elated. The SSF Coaching course lasted for two days and it was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. The course was interesting, inspirational and extremely motivating! Sue Stone is 100% professional is everything that she does and she is a terrific teacher/trainer. I would recommend her to any one who is seriously interested in doing the course because you will not be disappointed and I know you will have the time of your life.” Sharon Ralph
Here are our first set of gorgeous happiness and success coaches
I just love the words of Jim Rohn, bless him he passed away in December 2009, but his work has been of great influence in my life and I thought I would share some of his words of advice here…..
One day my mentor Mr. Shoaff said, “Jim, if you want to be wealthy and happy, learn this lesson well: Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”
Since that time I’ve been working on my own personal development. And I must admit that this has been the most challenging assignment of all. This business of personal development lasts a lifetime.
You see, what you become is far more important than what you get. The important question to ask on the job is not, “What am I getting?” Instead, you should ask, “What am I becoming?” Getting and becoming are like Siamese twins: What you become directly influences what you get. Think of it this way: Most of what you have today you have attracted by becoming the person you are today.
I’ve also found that income rarely exceeds personal development. Sometimes income takes a lucky jump, but unless you learn to handle the responsibilities that come with it, it will usually shrink back to the amount you can handle.
If someone hands you a million dollars, you’d better hurry up and become a millionaire. A very rich man once said, “If you took all the money in the world and divided it equally among everybody, it would soon be back in the same pockets it was before.”
It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development.
So here’s the great axiom of life:
To have more than you’ve got, become more than you are.
This is where you should focus most of your attention. Otherwise, you just might have to contend with the axiom of not changing, which is:
Unless you change how you are, you’ll always have what you’ve got.
— Jim Rohn